
These brief instructions will help you get started quickly with Azure Sentinel - ie. a simple and typical deployment. For more advanced deployments, additional considerations may need to be made, refer to this techcommunity post for more.

1 - Creating a Workspace and Instance

S/N Step Illustration
1A Navigate to portal.azure.com 1a
1B In the search bar, type Azure Sentinel 1b
1C Click on Add 1c
1D Create a new workspace 1d
1E Specify the Subscription, Resource Group, Instance Name and Region. 1e
1F Pay-as-you-go is the default pricing tier, you can switch to Capacity Reservation later if necessary, see here. 1f
1G [optional] Specify tags if relevant. 1g
1H Click Create after validation has passed. 1h
1I Click Add once the new instance appears. 1i

2 - Enable Data Connectors

S/N Step Illustration
2A In the Azure Sentinel instance, navigate to Data Connectors. 2a
2B Search for the desired connector and click on Open Connector Page. 2b
2C Follow the instructions, these differ for each data connector. 2c
2D After the data connector has been successfully enabled, refresh the page. Depending on the data connector, once data starts flowing in you will see the following. 2d

3 - Enable Analytics Rules

S/N Step Illustration
3A In the Azure Sentinel instance, navigate to Analytics Rules. Click on the Rule templates tab and search for the desired rule. Click on the rule and select Create rule. 3a
3B The template Analytics Rules are pre-populated, so if you do not wish to amend any parameter you can directly click onto Review and create. Otherwise, navigate to the relevant tabs to modify parameters accordingly. 3b
3C Once validation is passed, click on Create. 3c
Tags: quickstart